Get inspired by listening – the perfect app for a hectic life
In collaboration with Storytel
Hello my lovelies!
How are you? So good to be back on the blog! It has been a very hectic time. Well, my life is kind of hectic anyway. As I have clients and attend events all over the world, I constantly find myself being on my way to somewhere. Jumping in a taxi, queuing at the airport and then catching a flight to some remote destination.
It may sound stressful. And it is for sure, but I love my life and because of that I do not really mind the long days and irregular schedule. Besides, I recently found a great app that I would love to share with you. It has been very inspiring to me, as to how to make the most of my time whilst in transit.

The app I am talking about is Storytel. It is available worldwide and actually just launched in India. In case you are not yet familiar with it, Storytel offers a huge selection of audiobooks. You can listen to anything from the latest crime novels to biographies, classics, children’s books or even poetry.
Why this is great? Well, to me personal development is very important, both at work and in my private life. In my opinion, reading is a great way to learn more and to jog your brain, so to speak. However, due to my lifestyle, with a never-ending full schedule and a lot of traveling, I simply do not get to read books to the extent that I would like to.
Enters Storytel, and my issue is solved, more or less. With the app, I can make use of the time I spend in a plane or a taxi, or even when I walk the last bit to my client. It really is a good way to relax and clear my mind before a makeup session – or just anytime during the day. At the same time as it is relaxing though, listening to audiobooks is also very inspirational and educative. It feels great to find a way of doing something just for myself, despite my tight schedule.
As I mentioned, Storytel’s range of audiobooks is vast. At the moment, I mainly listen to titles related to either: yoga and meditation, beauty (unsurprisingly perhaps) or business and entrepreneurship. Those areas are the ones closest to my heart right now. I listen rather a lot to English books, but there are also quite a few available in Hindi and Marathi, which I find amazing as well.
Of course, I would love for all of you to have the chance to get as inspired as myself by Storytel. Therefore, Storytel and I have partnered up to offer you a 30 days’ free trial, which you can obtain by clicking on this link, and then following the instructions provided.
If you want to know more about Storytel, you can also check out their Instagram and Facebook accounts, where you will find a lot of inspiration and exciting book suggestions. Good luck and enjoy listening!
Swati xx